Rody Lamoree


Sexuality Biphobic
Birthday Feb. 14

Height Difference

2 inches



Age Difference

3 years



Allen Fausser

"..Hi, Rody."

Sexuality Grey-Ace
Birthday Oct. 31

Allen was a regular patron at La Gueule de Saturne, having been introduced to the restaurant by an old friend from university. When Rody was hired, his first interaction with Allen was almost dropping his favorite dessert on the detective.

After the events of Best Served Hot, Rody takes the time to finally focus on himself after losing everything. In the process, he distances from others and ends up isolating himself. Recovery and self-improvement isn't a linear journey, and he often finds himself drinking alone in his apartment.

Allen, taking notice of this, doesn't allow Rody to get too distant from him. Taking the time to visit Rody every few days (never going a week without seeing him), Allen takes care of Rody's apartment when it gets to a new low. Rody is aware of this, but he doesn't pay it any mind. He's determined to work on himself, after all.

However, little by little, Rody realizes how intertwined Allen has become in his life after what's happened. He buys him groceries (but never beer), makes sure he's eaten something, and is always there during particularly bad hangovers. When had he become such a constant?

Rody can't move on from Manon, and he's always been a little scared of Allen because of the things he says. But it wouldn't be so bad to lean on someone, at least a little, right? Rody isn't in love with Allen, not in the way he loved Manon or any partner before. He doesn't put Allen on a pedastal and worship him, but he's grown attached. After killing someone, losing everything, Rody doesn't want to lose Allen. Not after everything that's happened.

Allen struggles to figure out Rody, and that's what made him so enamored in the first place. His initial impression of Rody was that he was a genuine and clumsy guy, an earnest person with a passionate heart. Allen has never been able to relate to such a person. A seemingly polar-opposite of himself, Rody becomes a sort of ideal for Allen. He wants to be honest like Rody, and thinks that Rody can be the person to fix and change him.

After the events of Best Served Hot, Allen witnesses Rody's spiral into depression and the many ups and downs of his self-improvement and recovery journey. Watching someone he looked up to and obsessed over crumble and break down only furthers his obsession with Rody. Can such a person claw their way back up to normalcy?

His career in private investigation (and a few drunken confessions from Rody) leads Allen to the truth of what happened on that fiery night. In order to protect him, Allen ties up the loose ends that would incriminate Rody.

Allen is curious, watching over Rody and taking the role of a passive protector. He doesn't do much to help Rody, he buys him groceries so he can survive, picks up the trash that litters the apartment, and listens to his sob stories and drunk rambles. He wants to see if Rody rises from the ashes of what he's done, or if he'll drown himself in his guilt and regret.

*the only universe in which the two end up together "romantically" is after best served hot. in other endings, they either never get close enough to each other, or one of them ends up dead.

Their Relationship

Rody doesn't love Allen. Not romantically, at least. He's actually pretty scared of Allen sometimes, he always has been even back when he was waiting his table at the restaurant. Allen's obsession with Rody transcends the traditional understanding of love and romance. He still craves normalcy, and thinks that by being alongside Rody he can achieve that, even if Rody is an absolute wreck right now.

Their relationship doesn't have an official "label" or anything, but they can't see a future without the other. While Allen physically supports Rody by cleaning up after him and offering a shoulder to cry on, Rody is mentally supporting Allen in a weird way in which he gets to observe Rody.

As Rody gets more comfortable and comes to terms with what happened and processes his traumas, he opens up to Allen bit by bit. His attachment to the other man grows and grows, but he never returns to that overbearing loverboy he used to be (especially not with another man)(LOL).

Allen's obsession over Rody never truly fades away, nor is Rody ever able to truly "fix" Allen. He still hasn't learnt to empathize with others, he can't truly feel sorry for others. However, Allen learns to recognize his own toxic traits and makes a slight effort to improve himself. It isn't much, but it's something.

Dynamics and Statistics

Big spoon
Little spoon
Lends Clothes
Borrows Clothes
Uses Pet Names
No Pet Names
Affectionate Actions
Affectionate Words
Confesses First
Waits for Confession
Designated Driver
Can't Drive
Can't Cook
Makes Dinner
Dislikes PDA
Loves PDA


Ok admittedly i havent really drawn them together that much but i commissioned like five different people to draw them together so im just waiting on those so i can fill this page up


Home Visit - Allen visits Rody.

New Customer - Allen tells Rody about his and Vincent's first meeting.

Taste Test - Vincent invites Allen to do some taste testing for him.


by ME
by devilgenderz
by stickeretro
by pathololgic
by fangsyrup


I dont actually have much to put here yet. However. one key fact about them is that Allen really wants to be on Rody's nonexistent Health Insurance (even though hes perfectly capable of providing that himself)